Climates Summary

In the next summary, it would be develop the different types of climates, The Equatorial, Tropical continental, Monsoon, Cold climate and Hot desert; and their characteristics. In the Equatorial , the temperatures are high and constant during the year. The annual rainfall is about 2000 mm; and storms are formed by warm air, that creates an area of low pressure and heavy rains. Places, as Manus, presents 2 or 3 drier months when the sum is on the the tropic of Cancer. Equatorial climates have high humidity, lack of seasonal change and daily weather pattern. On the daily pattern, the temperature changes during the day, and on the night, it's warm and humid. The tropical continental, is located on the central part of the continents, away from the coast. It has wet and dry seasons. For example, in Kano, it occurs the hot and wet season when the sum is almost overhead in the norther hemisphere; but in July and August, temperatures fall slightly and rainfall increase. Ama...