We watched a video about part of the episode of Mad Men "Smoking Pitch" in which they are promoting, creating advertising on cigarettes.
In this episode the business man are debating on advertising ideas so as to rise cigar's sales at the time when it was being judged to be the a lung cancer causing.
Along the episode we can identify some vested interests; the organization has something to gain from promoting and defending a particular point of view, which lead them to lie, select certain evidence and ignore other as well as distorting the evidence so as to benefit themselves.
In the case of the video the cigar company is hiding the evidence which proves that their cigar affects the health of the people.
There are two ideas for advertising presented. The first one, Peter's idea, suggested to create advertising which confirms that their cigars cause cancer but in a way in which it sounded less harmful, he argued to compare with cars, which are dangerous as well as cigars but that can do nothing and people still buy them. However the other business man disapproved the idea since it showed the truth.
On the other hand there was Don's idea which was approved. He suggests a campaign which says "Luky strike, it's toasted". He argued that the other six Tobacco companies produce the same product they do, however by saying that it is toasted, and hiding the truth (that it is unhealthy) they make the people believe that their Tobacco is healthy and the others are the ones which are bad for us, at least it's healthier. Here don is having a vested interest which leaded him to alter the evidences and hide the truth. However this does not means that Peter didn't have, the difference is in the fact that he neither hide the evidences nor lie.

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