The Help

Dear Riley,
 How are you? Hope that well, it's been a long time since we last talk. I'm very sorry that I haven't wrote you for several months, because I’ve been to busy here in Mississippi, writing and listening some stories of the black maids, with the purpose of publish them in the column of the newspaper. Those stories were such interesting, that let me know how is  working in a white person's house is, how the white people treat them, and how it feels working for them. .After listening those shocking stories, that make me think how battered they should feel, I have the sensation of write and share them to you.
First of all, can you believe they don’t even share the house toilet because they believe black people carry other type of diseases?.So if she wants to go to the toilet she has to go to one that is outside the house,even though when it is raining outside, incredible!  Most of the white American families have two bathrooms, one for the domestic worker and one for them. It make me feel such a shame of those who believe and make them do such nonsense things. These people are cruel and harsh, I swear. They don’t even matter on their domestic workers life.  Another story that impressed me, was one of an afroamerican house helper that said  that when she arrived to the house where she works and went to wake up the little girl and change her diaper, the little girl was all dirty because the mother had not changed her during the night or day because she believes that the black house helper should change the baby's diapers. The last and most harsh story was the one of the maids  With which I had more relation. What this woman said was that,one day her son was working in a white person's house,when he fell and got hurt.When the white person saw that,he took him to the hospital for black people, however, he didn't stay there, he left him lying there and the afroamerican died that day.
Besides all these stories, this problem is even bigger since the racism comes from the Mississippi Law Book itself. So as you can get an idea of what I’m talking about, there is a law that says “Anyone who writes or print any paper encouraging the social equality between black and white people will be imprisoned”.
Well, I hope these stories make your soul reflect as much as they have made mine. I wonder to ask you how are afroamerican house helpers treated in New York, because i really want to know if this only happens here or in other places. I will be eternally thankful If you answer my letter, I want to know your opinion and point of view of these stories.
Hope to see you soon!

With love, Skeeter


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